Equipping Church

Pray & Go

If we look around, as Jesus has mentioned, Harvest seems to be plenty, but workers who can do the job are few. And one of the task which Lord has given the Church is to “Pray to the Lord of Harvest for sending workers”. Other thing is to “Go & Preach the Gospel”. This would be in the workplace, out on the streets, to your friends or to your family.

Fortnightly Prayer Meetings

Every alternate friday we gather @3 pima close, Greenfield Park to Pray as a family. We invite any who is in a need or wants to join us to come over!

  • Fridays @8.00pm – 3 pima close, greenfield park

Going unto the World

While being a witness to families and colleagues every day through life, words, and actions, Church gathers during special occassions to go around the streets and distribute tracts and copies of new testament bible.

  • unscheduled

Fortnightly Bible Study

We group every alternate Tuesday @7.30 for a time of prayer and Bible study. This is one thing Jesus asked the Church to do – i.e. to teach all to observe his commandments

  • Please contact Br Vincent (number below) to know the location

Weekly Womans Group

Woman in the Church gather to study the word of God and share their experiences and walk with God. This happens @5pm every Sunday just before the Church meets

  • Sundays @5pm – 2 gribble place, blacktown